The Best Creative Minds – Zynovo

Magento is our forte!

Zynovo is a full-service digital commerce agency, focused on end-to-end implementations of the most flexible enterprise-class commerce platform to help online merchants fulfill their business and e-commerce goals in a way that is both economical and efficient. We provide strategic planning, design, development and post-launch maintenance.

Mon – Fri: 09:00 am – 06:00 pm
Contact +1 (818) 743-2444

August 2016

Overview In some cases, Magento 2 functionality requires modifications in order to fit store owner's expectations. For example, an Order should have additional information provided by a customer during checkout. In this case there are 2 ways of extending existing entities: custom attributes or extension attributes. In Magento 2 extension attributes allows to add custom additional data into an entity such

With the frontend changes introduced in Magento 2 and removal of prototype library it becomes crucial to be up to speed with frontend architecture. Magento development documentation, also known as @MagentoDevDocs, gives frontend developers an introduction into Magento 2 frontend development. Majority of pages describe backend part and only few are dedicated to a Magento 2 frontend where JavaScript examples